
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Airsoft BB Gun Safety - Protective Clothing, Gear and Helpful Tips

On its surface, Airsoft may appear to be dangerous. It is, after all, a high energy sport that involves powerful gun replicas and adrenaline. But if you follow some basic safety precautions, airsoft is in fact a very safe activity.

Protective Eye Coverings
This is one of the most important necessities for engaging in Airsoft activities as the eyes are some of the body’s most vulnerable points. People should never aim their Airsofts directly at another person’s eyes, but accidents do happen. In order to prevent serious, permanent damage to the eyes, Airsoft participants should purchase protective glasses or goggles from a reputable Airsoft accessories dealer. Eye-protecting accessories range in cover from protective shades to full protective facemasks, so Airsoft participants have a wide variety of protective eye covering choices.

Protective Facemasks

Some facemasks come equipped with goggles, but others are designed to be used in tandem with eye protection. Facemasks protect other vulnerable facial areas such as the nose and the teeth; taking an Airsoft BB to the teeth can cause serious dental damage. Airsoft facemasks also protect soft-tissue areas like the cheeks, the chin, and the forehead.

Protective Helmets
While BBs fired from Airsoft guns are unlikely to penetrate the skull, a direct hit to head can still sting greatly and cause a bump or a cut. Wearing a protective helmet will prevent such things from happening and will, of course, make Airsoft battle participants look cooler than they would without helmets. Protective helmets often come in replica form in typical uniform colors.

Protective Clothing
Wearing a protective safety vest is a sound idea since getting hit with a BB in the torso stings. While Airsoft ammo is not likely to penetrate the skin, getting shot at close range anywhere is quite painful. Many protective vests also have convenient places for storing additional weapons and ammo, so the benefits go beyond safety. Wearing loose clothing all over the body is more important than wearing a protective vest because the baggy clothes will protect all the places it covers from the sting and cut of the BBs. Protective long sleeves and pants come in everything from basic baggy to ghillie-style sniper camouflage.

Protective Gloves
Wearing gloves to protect the hands is a good idea because getting hit with a pellet on the fingers or the back of the hand is rather painful. Good gloves will also help the Airsoft participant better hold onto the gun and other weapons, increasing the Airsoft wielder’s grip. Gloves also look really cool; no Airsoft outfit that includes all the other protective clothing should be without gloves.

Gun Box
Protecting the Airsoft gun is important for both the gun and the gun wielder. An Airsoft gun should not just be left lying around in the garage or the closet; a gun box will keep the gun from getting the wear and tear that anything can get from sitting out with no protection. A gun box can also protect the gun carrier when out in public since even an Airsoft gun could be mistaken for a real gun if viewed from a certain angle.

Other Safety Tips
All Airsoft weapons come with the orange tip that tells everyone who sees it that it is not a real weapon. Removing, painting over, or otherwise concealing this tip is a federal offense as well as a bad idea. Given the amount of high-profile shootings people have seen on the news over the past several years, the public is particularly sensitive to the appearance of people carrying anything that looks like a firearm in public.

Only participate in Airsoft in the proper type of area. Airsoft is best enjoyed from an Airsoft park or on secluded, private property; people should not do Airsoft in crowded neighborhoods.

About the Author: Mike Zhang is the VP of Operations of Airsoft Megastore, an airsoft retailer offering spring, gas and electric powered airsoft guns. Please visit Airsoft Megastore to shop for airsoft AEGs, BBs, and protective airsoft gear.

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