While every airsoft game has different rules, there are some universal rules that apply when you pick up an airsoft gun. Here is your easy to follow guide on how to keep it legal, fun, and safe.
Keep it Legal:
- Check if it is legal to host an airsoft skirmish on the property prior to doing so. This is more than simply gaining the property owner’s permission (though this is critical)... it also means you should contact your local police unit and check local statutes.
- Laws vary from region to region, but many dictate a firepower limit for safety reasons (i.e. they don’t want BBs to break the skin or kill anyone.) This is usually around 300-450 FPS depending on the venue. Always safest to check this out prior to playing. Your local airsoft facility will also have this information.
- Never carry your airsoft weapon in public. Always transport your airsoft gun and equipment in a proper carrying case.
- Never remove your airsoft orange safety tip.
Don’t be a Nuisance:
- Call your hits. Many airsofters carry a red bandana and use it as a signal that they have been hit. It’s quick, easy and visual. It can also be used when leaving or reentering game play. For the record, there is nothing worse than an airsofter who refuses to recognize a hit. Trust us, after a few disputes, everyone will know who you are and they won’t want you to participate in future events.
- If you suspect someone is not calling their hits, keep firing at them until it is crazy indisputable that they have been hit. This is a more effective tactic than making a big scene on the field. Of course, you can always bring it up after the game… simply say, “You need to call your hits. I hit you maybe 10 times before you called it.” They may dispute your claim to save face, but it will put the offender on notice and they will be more likely to change that behavior in the future, even if just to prove you wrong.
- Dead men don’t talk. If you’ve been hit, you must stop relaying information to your team members. No signals, no code. You are essentially dead.
- Don’t deliberately try to hurt/annoying people. Shooting someone in the face on purpose is lame… and can be dangerous.
- Keep a level head. Airsoft is an adrenalin rush, for sure, but you shouldn’t get so amped that you try to fight other players. Remain cool and collected; that is the sign of a well-trained soldier, after all.

Just Generally Good Ideas:
- Wear protective airsoft eye goggles at all times. This is not negotiable.
- Establish a clear set of game rules before starting at the get-go. It will make for a much better skirmish.
- Be respectful of other player's equipment.
- Be cool to new players. Some long-time airsofters think its their right to haze the new guy. It's not... and it makes you look like a jerk. Offer tips and assistance without being condescending. After all, you were once a noob.
- If you’re playing with younger airsofters, watch your mouth.
- If you are playing with strangers, it’s a good idea to avoid touching people you don’t know, unless you are dragging an injured man off the field or something like that. That means avoiding things like “knife kills” and hand to hand combat. That guy could be psycho or get angry and want to fight. Long story short: these sorts of engagements rarely end well.
About the Author: Mike Zhang is the President and COO of Airsoft Megastore, an online airsoft retailer offering electric and gas powered airsoft guns, as well as airsoft upgrades and parts. Visit Airsoft Megastore to shop for airsoft AEGs and the latest full metal airsoft sniper rifles for players of any experience level.
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