f you are just beginning to get into airsoft, then you probably have a lot of questions. Between all the gun upgrade options and the technical jargon, it can be overwhelming. Here are a few tips for those new airsofters wondering where to start.
Do some preliminary research. Take an hour or two to read up the types of airsoft guns available. Brush up on the differences between AEGs, CO2 gas guns, and spring powered airsoft weapons. Read a bit on airsoft BB quality, as one of the most costly rookie errors is buying cheap BBs. The Airsoft Megastore offers an easy-to-browse airsoft player resource wiki on all of these topics and more.
Make a budget. We recommend deciding what you are willing to spend early on. You will need to budget for a primary weapon, a side arm, safety goggles, and seamless airsoft bbs. While not required, a tactical vest is also a good investment. The good news is – thanks to innovations in manufacturing - airsoft has become very affordable in the past few years. You can now easily obtain a quality primary firearm for as little as $50, a pistol for less than $40, and safety goggles for between $10 and $30.
WARNING: Do not skimp on BBs as those can literally make or break your weapon.
Read ALL airsoft documentation. Every airsoft gun is different. We urge you to read the entire documentation included by the manufacturer. These are unique and complex machines, so instructions will vary depending on the weapon’s specifics. Pay special attention to things like maintenance, battery specs, and loading instructions. Failure to comply with manufacturer recommendations will very likely damage your gun and void your warranty.
Network with other Airsofters. A lot of learning comes through experience, but some of your best resources are going to be fellow airsoft enthusiasts. Airsoft Megastore recommends visiting your local airsoft facility and talking with the staff and players there. If there are no facilities nearby, check out the online forums. Experienced players are often eager to help and share their expertise. Be sure to check out the Airsoft Megastore Facebook Fan page which will link you to a huge airsoft community and keep you updated on the latest airsoft news and reviews.
Build your skill-set. The best airsofters understand the importance of practice and strategy. A combination of military tactical research and target practice will make you a force to be reckoned with on the field.
Be patient and have fun! Unless you are already a firearm expert, it will take time to develop your airsoft expertise. In the meantime, enjoy airsoft. Between the physical challenge, camaraderie and sheer adrenaline, you will pick up so much on the field and that’s really the point.
About the Author: Mike Zhang is the President and COO of Airsoft Megastore, the #1 fastest growing Airsoft retailer in the nation. Airsoft Megastore offers the latest airsoft gun upgrades as well as a 125% low price guarantee on all new airsoft guns and airsoft pellets.
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