
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Who’s Who of Precision Airsoft BBs

Experienced airsofters know that the right BB makes all the difference in the world and they look for seamless, perfectly spherical BBs that will not shatter upon launch. Not only will these BBs improve your accuracy and overall performance, but they keep your gun’s internals debris free.

The same cannot be said for cheap-o BBs. Cheap BBs, like those you fine at Walmart and sporting goods stores, cause irreparable damage to a gun’s gearbox, stripping the pistons and clogging the internals with BB shrapnel. The result is jamming and, ultimately, a broken gun. Many crappy BBs claim to be seamless, but don’t be fooled. These BBs have seams – they have simply been polished away. The seam still exists within the BB body. The result is inconsistencies in shape and structural vulnerability, both of which greatly increase the likelihood of shattering.

If you haven’t watched yet, I recommend checking out Vince’s video where he takes a hammer to some of these craptastic BBs. They shatter to pieces… while a high quality airsoft BB simply flattens out.

At Airsoft Megastore, we only carry the best BBs because we understand the vital role BB quality plays in the longevity of an airsoft gun. There are 5 big names in the quality airsoft BB arena: GoldenBall, Elite Force, G&G, King Arms, and TSD.


The entire Airsoft Megastore team is pretty much obsessed with Goldenball Proslick BBs. These are the best of the best when it comes to airsoft BBs. GoldenBall manufactures top-of-the-line, ultra-seamless, competition-grade airsoft 6mm BBs. Compared to the average BB out on the market, these pellets sport a 40% improvement in density and spherical consistency. The result is an average FPS gain of 8-15 FPS on a standard metal gearbox AEG. You get all the power and none of the annoying jamming. Trust me when I say, try these once and you’ll be hooked.

Elite Force

Elite Force BBs are superior airsoft BBs packaged in a unique and insanely convenient water-bottle-style container with screw top. These are probably the easiest BBs to store, carry and load, making them a real advantage on the field. Elite Force BBs have been quality tested in a variety of mid and hi-cap magazines to prevent against misfires and jamming. This and the consistency of the BB shape and size make these extremely competitive precision BBs.


G&G is probably best known for their high grade full metal gearbox AEGs, but they manufacturer some pretty impressive airsoft BBs as well. Airsoft Megastore can say with confidence that these are some of the most reliable precision grade airsoft BB's currently available. G&G PSBP (Perfect Spherical Ball Pellet) BBs are flawless, uniform in both weight and size, seamless, non-toxic BBs. Load these up, and you’ll experience greater accuracy and shot consistency. No jamming, magazine fail, or mucked up internals. Just clear, long shots with greater consistency and power. Airsoft Megastore has a distribution deal that allows us to carrying these killer BBs, at the lowest price you’ll find online.

King Arms

King Arms recently launch their all-new Platinum-Series of high precision competition-grade Airsoft 6mm, and we are here to confirm, these are simply the best airsoft BBs to come out of Taiwan to date. If you are looking for a high grade airsoft BB at an affordable price, look no further. King Arms’ ultra-high quality, sniper grade BBs will give your airsoft game an edge and make you rethink what it costs to stock a high value airsoft BB.


TSD BBs are another highly respected, high-value, precision airsoft BB line. With biodegradable airsoft BB options, they also make sense for the more eco-conscious airsofters out there. These slick, competition-grade BBs reduce barrel jam and gear stripping. Buy in bulk for extra savings; TSD tactical BBs come in packages of up to 15,000 rounds.

About the Author: Mike Zhang is the VP of Operations of Airsoft Megastore, an online airsoft retailer offering electric and gas powered airsoft guns. Visit Airsoft Megastore to shop for airsoft AEGs, full metal airsoft rifles or the right airsoft gas gun for players of any experience level.

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