Creating your own airsoft course is a fun and affordable alternative to paying to use a commercial airsoft facility. With your own personal airsoft course, you can get a true understanding of the land, play at any hour and save money. The most important thing to remember when building your own airsoft course is to be creative.
Using Shields
Ask friends and family members if they have any old furniture, boards or structures that could be used as shields. Anything from old couches to plastic trashcans can act as defense against opponents’ shots or aid in a tactical offensive maneuvering. Sandbags can create solid, man-made hills in the flattest of terrains. Objects like old grills are great because they are large and sturdy.
Building Structures
A quick trip to the hardware store and a bit of carpentry will equip you with some great airsoft structures. Using plywood is superior to cardboard as the airsoft BBs (link) will not penetrate plywood. With plywood, you can craft bunkers, sniper towers and other defense structures. Make some holes in the structures so you can spot opponents and shoot through.
Bunkers are perfect in any airsoft game and can be made as simple or complex as you want. Ideally you can position the bunker in a trench or ditch to make exit and entry less noticeable to opponents. The bunkers can be used as a protective refuge from fire, a fort that needs to be defended (as in King of the Hill), a prison for hostages, or a reloading station.
Sniper towers are great structures to have on your airsoft course. This is slightly more complicated and you will want to make sure it is stable enough for climbing and standing on. Incorporating trees allows greater stability and less material.
A wall for defense can also be made with logs. You can dig holes and prop up 4 or 6 logs in a rectangular shape. Then tie a rope around the logs to contain the perimeter and stabilize the structure. Then just fill the perimeter with other logs, sticks, wood or scraps. This will create a perfect wall for defense.
Using Natural Elements
Using the natural elements of the course is the simplest and cheapest technique when building your airsoft course. You can hide behind or even in trees or bushes on the course. Hiding in trees is perfect for airsoft snipers. You can also hang targets from trees and incorporate airsoft target shots in the game as an advancement requirement.
Hiding in ditches is a great strategy to avoid being detected. Placing structures like plywood boards or shields by ditches creates even higher walls.
Finding the Right Area
Before creating an airsoft course you must be certain that the area you are considering is safe and legal. Be sure that the area is free of pedestrians, bikers, children or anybody that may cross the area. Make certain that there doesn’t exist a great deal of dangerous wildlife in the area like snakes or boars. Even though you are in a private airsoft course, you should always wear the proper safety gear like airsoft face masks and airsoft safety goggles.
You should not create an airsoft course without the permission of the landowner. Whether the property belongs to your parents, friends, the government, the city or private owners, you need to acquire consent to use the land for airsoft gun purposes and you should understand the parameters for which you are using the field. If you alter or destroy the property in any way, you should notify the property owner immediately.
About the Author: Mike Zhang is the President and COO of Airsoft Megastore, the #1 fastest growing Airsoft online store in the U.S. Airsoft Megastore offers a full selection of gas and electric Airsoft guns.
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