One day it’s Legos and then suddenly your kids are asking for airsoft guns for their birthday. For many parents, games involving fake guns can create some anxiety, especially when the fake guns look so realistic. However, talking to your children about certain important aspects of airsoft will ensure that players remain safe and give you the chance teach kids valuable lessons about personal responsibility and teamwork.
- RULES: Familiarize yourself with the rules of airsoft and help your children understand why they are important. Be sure that all players understand and follow the rules when involved in gameplay. Compromise with them – you will let them play if they follow certain rules. There are many resources available, from airsoft websites and blogs, to people in your community that you can turn to for help, information and advice.
- SAFETY SWITCH: Teach your children how to switch the safety on and discuss why it is important to have it on at all times when not playing. Explain to them the possible repercussions if gun safety is not practiced.
- SUPERVISION: Make sure the games are supervised by you or another parent. Getting to know the game and why the children enjoy playing it can be an exciting way to bond and get to know your children’s friends and their friends’ parents. When the game is over, be sure to lock the airsoft guns in a cabinet safely out of reach of children as you would with a real firearm.
- DO NOT REMOVE THE TIP: The orange tip of the airsoft distinguishes it from real guns; explain this to your children and make sure they understand why it is important to leave it on and the legal repercussions of removing it.
- KNOW THE LAW: In most states there is a minimum age for airsoft play and in some, like California, an adult must be present. Talk to your children about why they think it is necessary to have an adult nearby.
- RESPONSIBILITY: understanding airsoft means understanding that it is still a firearm. Making sure your children know this, and are familiar with gun safety, makes them more responsible. Education about how to handle guns is the best way to ensure that all players play fairly, correctly and without injury.
If you are able to listen to why your kids want to play with the latest airsoft guns, they will be more likely to listen to your concerns and follow your rules. The most important thing for parents to understand is that airsoft is not dangerous when safety precautions and game rules are followed carefully.
About the Author: Mike Zhang is the President of Airsoft Megastore, an airsoft retailer offering electric and gas powered airsoft guns. Please visit Airsoft Megastore to shop for airsoft AEGs, full metal airsoft rifles or the right airsoft gas gun for players of any experience level.
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