
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Realism and the Sport of Airsoft

Airsoft Sniper in Airsoft GearRealistic weapons and scenarios bring an intriguing element of realism to the adrenaline charged sport of airsoft. The excitement of playing with replicas of real guns and reenacting combat or law enforcement scenarios contributes to the growing popularity of the sport.

Designed to look almost identical to their real counterparts, airsoft guns are available in a range of models from spring loaded pistols to airsoft sniper rifles. Airsoft guns are reloaded when a player runs out of ammunition during play, just as a real gun would be in combat. Many players upgrade their Airsoft guns with laser pointers, scopes or flashlights to enhance realism while adding functionality to the weapon.

The clothing and gear worn by players also contributes to the realism of a skirmish. Wearing camouflage, ghillie suits, tactical assault vests or other military style attire will make an airsoft skirmish or military simulation feel more like the real thing. Camouflage clothing of course also serves its intended purpose of making a player less visible to opponents during combat. Props such as communication radios or vehicles representing military vehicles bring an added dimension of realism to an airsoft skirmish.

Battle reenactments and military or law enforcement simulations are airsoft scenarios that give players a sense of competing in real combat or working as a team to find solutions to presented situations. Battle reenactments require planning ahead to accomplish the level of realism desired for a skirmish. Some historic battle reenactments involve the use of period specific attire and weaponry for optimal realism.

Stepping up the realism of a game can be as simple as wearing camouflage or as involved as using real military clothing, formations and tactics.

About the Author: Mike Zhang is the VP of Operations of Airsoft Megastore, the #1 fastest growing airsoft retailer in the U.S. Airsoft Megastore offers a full selection of gas and electric airsoft guns and accessories including airsoft green gas.

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